I have a form that is very slow to load. It taked approx. 90 seconds in the app, which isn’t acceptable for the users, and even longer in Connect.
I can’t figure out what causes this.
The form has almost 300 calculations, an external choices sheet and is linked to three other forms.
I use version 3.9.149 for the app and Connect 3.9.120.
Any help would be appreciated!
Probably because you have
Almost 300 calculations, an external choices sheet and is linked to three other forms.
Try to make it more simple.
Can you post it? I did find some weird ones in the past - like if your pulldata references a field that is in a repeat that is slow.
I have 100s of questions also. I also load a 5-6000 long species list 12 times per repeat on a 50 repeat. It can take 22 seconds to open on a regular android. My iPad Pro does it on 1.6 seconds. So device is important info also.
Overall thought that is a huge form. We break our process up into 9 forms to reduce load time and be easier to read and use. Also then we can have 2 crew members at the same time.
Hopefully you can post it.
Do you also have a lot of hint images in the form?