I use the Pulldata function to retrieve the ID from a layer that is the same layer that the form is built on. The ID that it retrieves is created in the form and this pulldata function simply checks whether the ID exists or not.
It works except when you make a form, write an ID, submit, then fill in a new form, it can't retrieve the last ID that was created, but it reaches all the other IDs.
After restarting the application, it can retrieve all the IDs that are created.
Anyone know what this is due to? It is as if Survey123 loads the layer when starting the Survey123 aplication and then does not reach the newly created data added after the start of the application.
It should query the layer via the server, not reference the other surveys on the device.
Do you get the issue if you wait until the record ID has been submitted (i.e. visible in the ArcGIS Online Hosted Feature Layer) and then open the survey form? Without restarting the app?
Have you hit submit and immediately opened a new survey?
It sounds like there is a slight overlap between the survey being submitted (creating the record) and opening a new survey. You could try resolving it using the bind parameter calculationMode=Always. This will run your pulldata calculation again when the survey submits - recalculating the ID value with the latest possible pulldata@layer request.
Not convinced that an app restart would cause anything outside of just waiting for the survey form to have actually completely sent. If it's explicitly this, I'd recommend sharing your XLSForm so the Survey123 team can reproduce.
Yes, I can see the data in the layerbefore I click on new Survey.
Unfortunately "bind parameter calculationMode=Always" didn't do anything.
I also find it strange that the only thing that solves the problem is a restart of the Survey123 application.
The 5.4.142 is the app framework version. Can you grab the version at the top of the page?
I'm on version 3.17.68 for android.
For Survey123 Connect, version 3.17.55.
Bit short on time to test your issue with your build (the service doesn't appear to be publicly accessible).
My recommendations are:
Esri support and the Survey123 team will be able to help after the above if it's still occurring. The above will really help as:
I've got the feeling that your issue is tied to either the version, or possibly the token. The information you gather will help resolve the issue, or identify if it needs to go to the development team who can then explore a fix.
Thanks I'll definitely check it out!
My version is the same as yours 3.17.68.
I made the service public now in case you want to test.
HI, I'm having the same issue. Were you ever able to resolve this?