Hi !
is there a way to pass the location of a line in collector "Aurora" to Survey123 in the same way of passing the location to a geopoint in survey123 ?
Thanks to great thread https://community.esri.com/groups/survey123/blog/2016/07/30/understanding-survey123s-custom-url-sche... from https://community.esri.com/people/ichivite-esristaff and https://community.esri.com/people/JTedrick-esristaff
Solved! Go to Solution.
Hey! I've been trying to figure this out, but it seems I don't have permission to view your survey - does the shape text translate to a shape on a map within the Survey123 form, or is it simply saved as text?
Was this ever solved? Im trying to pass the coordinates for a polygon via url but no luck on getting it to show up on the map within the survey.
?field:<geoshape field name>=47.31507205963135%20-122.41456244885921;47.314385414123535%20-122.41456244885921
This works for me. Below is the Arcade script I created:
Thanks! Could you share what the url looks like, just the geometry part? Im passing the geometry through the REST API so I may have to format it within the script before passing it over in a similar fashion just different language. Also Im using a geoshape, not trace. Do you know if thats possible?
The Arcade expression is for the geoshape question, sorry miss typed there.
Here is one that copies a selected parcel in Explorer and parses the polygon to a Survey123 form (the bit in italics is what you want I think). Note I also capture the centroid of the Parcel so I can perform a reverse geocode in Survey123 to get the address
Thanks Chris for the help! So I tested it but it doesn't translate to a shape on a map within the Survey form; is it just saved as text in the background?
Hi Rusty
Not sure why its not working for you, perhaps you could share the xlsform, and if I get a chance I'll have a look and see if there is anything obvious? If you parse the coordinates to the appropriate geoshape question in the form then in should work - field:LandholderLiaisonParcels_polygon=-35.03596%20138.83725%3B-35.03959%20138.8346%3B-35.03807%20138.83162%3B-35.0355%20138.83349%3B-35.03549%20138.83348%3B-35.03446%20138.83422%3B-35.03596%20138.83725
Attached is what I have. I haven't built this out as I'm only using this as my test/sandbox survey.
Thanks for taking a look!
James - I've been trying to get this to work in my data, but cannot get the custom url to pass the geometry of a line to the survey. It's passing other field attributes, so I know the url syntax is working.
When I test the 'Shape as String' expression I get really weird values. Could this be my problem? If so, how is it coming up with these coordinates and how can I make it stop?
@JamesTedrick - I would love your feedback on the reverse of this question I just posted here: https://community.esri.com/t5/arcgis-survey123-questions/javascript-snippet-to-get-a-vertex-from-a-g...