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Survey123 text questions - possible to use placeholder text?

11-13-2019 07:31 PM
by Anonymous User
Not applicable

Hi there,

I have a very quick, easy question. I am wondering if it is possible to set placeholder text on a form text field. To be clear, I am not talking about using the "Default" or "Hint" options (I am also not asking about Reports - I'm interested in survey submission). Rather, I'm looking for something that behaves like a placeholder attribute on an HTML input field:

For my particular use case, this would make for a better user experience as using a Hint takes up unnecessary space and using the Default option would require the user to first erase the text. Placeholder text would provide more direct, efficient instruction to end users.

Kind regards,


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2 Replies
Esri Esteemed Contributor

Hi Earl,

Placeholder text as you describe is not supported.  The closest would be to supply a default value along with a constraint that makes the default value invalid.

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by Anonymous User
Not applicable

I figured that might be the case. Anyhow, thanks for the reply James!


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