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Survey123 Report Error Reads "Reports have been generated with some issues"

09-15-2022 12:11 AM
Emerging Contributor

Hi when ever i try to generate a report for a client there seems to be an issue, the error " Reports have been generated with some issues " pops up.


Does anyone know how to resolve this?

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2 Replies
Esri Contributor

@SindiswaMsubo May you elaborate some more on the issue.

  • Is it intermittent or reproducible?
  • Does it occur with sample template as well as custom template?
  • Does it occur with single or multiple surveys?
  • Is the survey hosted on ArcGIS Online or Enterprise?
  • Are the "issues" described in the error visible? Does the report still generate?


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Occasional Contributor

@Richard_Purkis I had a user experience this today. To answer some of your questions in my scenario:

  • This was intermittent - I could not reproduce the issue my user was having. They were attempting to run the report (multiple times) from approx. 0600-0835 today 9/29/22, and the issue resolved on it's own around 0840.
  • It was occurring on a custom template
  • It was occurring while trying to run multiple surveys (20) with the split setting and a custom report name (JobA_${Street_Name}_${Street_Number})
  • The survey is hosted in ArcGIS Online
  • The report still generates, but it wasn't honoring the order of the reports called for in the report name
  • They also mentioned that this has happened before, but have not previously reported it because it generally 'clears up on it's own quickly'

Any thoughts on what is causing this? Thank you

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