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Survey123 preview report: "This operation is not supported" when rendering geopoint

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01-19-2023 10:36 PM
New Contributor III

Hi all,

I'm trying to create a survey with a geopoint question but when I try to render it in a report it fails. I've verified it by removing the geopoint and the survey can render. I've tried recreating the survey from scratch and it still fails with this error:

An error occurred when rendering by the report engine. Failed to print map for ${location}. Failed to print map: {"name":"request:server","message":"Error","details":{"url":"","requestOptions":{"query":{"f":"json","returnExtentOnly":true,"returnCountOnly":true,"objectIds":"1","spatialRel":"esriSpatialRelIntersects"},"responseType":"json"},"ssl":false,"httpStatus":400,"messages":["This operation is not supported."],"raw":{"code":400,"message":"","details":["This operation is not supported."]}}}

At this point I have created a new survey with just a geopoint and a note to test it and it still fails. It says the Query operation is not supported. But how do I go about turning the Query feature on?

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1 Solution

Accepted Solutions
New Contributor III

Hi @Richard_Purkis ,

I was having a problem in another thread related to ArcGIS Dashboards but I suspect (but please tell me if I'm wrong) the solution to that problem was most likely the solution to this problem since they both had errors relating to the "Query" operation not being available.

Solution to the problem I was having:

View solution in original post

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4 Replies
Esri Contributor

Hi @PanjiBrotoisworo2 

May you share the report template you used for your test survey with just a geopoint and note question.


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New Contributor III

Hi @Richard_Purkis,

For some reason it now works and I'm now able to render web maps in my Survey123 reports. Sorry for the trouble. Not sure what happened there.

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New Contributor III

Hi @Richard_Purkis ,

I was having a problem in another thread related to ArcGIS Dashboards but I suspect (but please tell me if I'm wrong) the solution to that problem was most likely the solution to this problem since they both had errors relating to the "Query" operation not being available.

Solution to the problem I was having:

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Esri Contributor

Hi @PanjiBrotoisworo2 

Thanks for the additional information. Yes this is expected behaviour for a survey published from Connect. I didn't set up a report like you did but I saw the same error in ArcGIS Dashboards and this was resolved by following the steps in the article.


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