Hi there,
I have several surveys I have created that don't employ a GeoPoint question. Most of these surveys are being accessed through Collector maps I have published for inspecting assets. I created the surveys to 1) allow inspectors to choose multiple items from a checklist, and 2) make the inspection process easier by presenting inspection questions in bigger text allow relief from a big long list of possible inspection items.
I employed these surveys without much concern for bringing the data back because I tested it and it worked great, and as designed. Now however, I am finding that I have to perform a join to get the survey data related to my asset points in Collector and AGOL. So I revised many of the surveys to include a GeoPoint question and added a view of that data to my Collector maps so the inspectors can see where they left off. That's working great and the inspectors really like that change.
When I perform the join, I can see all my related survey data, however since many of the survey answers are at 0,0 I have to click on each asset point (or I could create a complex labeling expression) to determine if there is related data or not since I cannot depend on seeing the survey points on my map. I have been searching for a way to edit these survey points to move them back to (or near) the asset points 'auto-magically' but I can't find a way to do that. The only way I can do it is individually in an edit session and manually, as far as I can tell.
I am starting to become familiar with Python and I have looked for a way to do this programmatically but can't find any examples or ideas. Maybe someone here has done that or knows how to do it and can point me to a solution.
Thanks, Bill~
Hi Bill, if you are opening the survey from Collector and want to keep the geopoint question away from users, I suggest you consider:
If you do the above, the geometry of your data entered from Survey123 will be placed at whatever location you set from the Collector link. Learn more at: Integrate with other apps—ArcGIS Survey123 | Documentation This will not fix your existing data, but will prevent null geometries that you later need to fix.
Hi Ismael,
Thank you for that information, I didn't realize I could hide the GeoPoint question, and had forgotten about passing the coordinates to Survey123. These are both good suggestions and the links are great resources as well. I am familiar with these and many other pages of help.
I am looking forward to others comments and suggestions for moving my existing points back to my point features.
Thanks, Bill~