Hello everyone,
I am using ArcGIS Enterprise 10.8 and have lots of surveys, Sometimes surveys cannot be opened with the error ‘ This survey is not accessible ot does not exist’. All of the surveys went down at the same time and if I clear the caches of browser, they start to work. But this problem happen at all browsers including safari, chrome, edge... Can you please help me ?
Hi map lover,
Can you provide more information about the setup and configuration of your Portal and how you access the survey123 website? Are you behind a firewall or using within your network?
The error ‘ This survey is not accessible or does not exist’ means that either the item is not shared with that user, has been deleted or moved, or the itemid has changed, or the website or web app can not reach that item as the Portal is not available or can not be accessed due to firewall or other issues.
Hi Philip,
We have 4 machines for each component of ArcGIS Enterprise, and Web Adaptor machine is in DMZ and we are accessing our portal through internet. We have not come across any problem until now. I access survey website through https://survey123.arcgis.com/share/itemid?portalUrl=<portalUrl>
Thank you.