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Survey123 multiples choices selections and copry group

04-13-2019 02:12 PM
by Anonymous User
Not applicable
Hello  We want to centralize our forms under Survey123. In an ongoing project I must allow the user to  1) make multiple choices on a list of 250+ items with the search and autocomplete tool;  2) Can we copy a group of 4-5 questions? In this same project, we can find X number of elements to describe for a single coposante (1-to-many relation).  Is there a way to achieve these results?  thank you so much!!!
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3 Replies
by Anonymous User
Not applicable

Hi Cristian,

Currently the autocomplete appearance only works for select_one questions, it is not supported on select_multiple uqestions. There is an open ArcGIS Idea for this enhancement, so please vote on it: Alternatively you can raise a enhancement request via Esri Support.

As for you second question, can you explain in further details, I am not sure exactly what you mean by "Can we copy a group of 4-5 questions?". Do you mean in the field app when the survey is being conducted, and copying related records from one repeat to another with the same survey? Or do you mean copying records from one survey to another new survey?


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by Anonymous User
Not applicable

Thank you Phil for that Quick answer.

what I would like to do is to repeat a group of questions, such as a nested field. 

For example, for a project describing plants in a sector, one type of plant must identify and characterize. thereafter for the same sector we continue to identify other plants with different caracteristics.
For the moment, I put 20 groups hoping that during the field visit there are not 21 ...

thank you you again for any help

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by Anonymous User
Not applicable

Hi Cristian,

Ok that makes sense now, what about using a repeat (related table) instead. Put all the questions that need to be repeated (that you currently have in your group) into the repeat, and then the user can add a new record for each new plant they want to add, that way there is no limit and they can continue to add new records to the related table for each new plant. The means you do not need to repeat the same field names in the parent layer over and over again for the same question. See more information here:


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