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Survey123 : Interrupt the geotrace without losing it

09-20-2022 08:00 AM
Regular Contributor

I've implemented a form with the possibility to take a geotrace in stream mode.

Throughout the taking of the trace, I need to come back to the form to enter the information to be taken. Unfortunately, I cannot return to the form if I have not validated the trace. Returning to the form while the collection is in progress leads to the cancellation of the collection. So I have to browse the site once to get a valid trace and a second time to finish the form. The fact of not being able to simultaneously take the trace and the descriptions of the form is very penalizing. In Field Maps this is possible.


The fact of not being able to simultaneously take the trace and the descriptions of the form is very penalizing. In Field Maps this is possible.

Is this normal behavior in Survey123?

Is this an idea that could be integrated into the next evolutions of Survey123?


Thank you for your feedback

2 Replies
Frequent Contributor

I'm not sure if this is normal behavior, but it seems worth sending this to ArcGIS Ideas. Please go to the Ideas Site to submit this.

0 Kudos
Frequent Contributor

I haven't used trace as you do, but I could see an issue. 

Kudos for sharing this issue.

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