Hello, everyone!
We have here a sample Survey123 Form created using ArcGIS Survey123 Connect v.3.16 and published in ArcGIS Enterprise Portal v.10.9.
The said form will be launched using a “Start Survey” customized URL link embedded in a web map that we have also prepared. (Please see the screenshot below)
When we clicked the “Start Survey” link in the Web Map, the form launched successfully. However, when we tried to submit the filled-out form, it got stuck on the sending screen. It does not send but it also has no error displayed. (Please see the screenshot below)
We found a post with somehow the same scenario (link: https://community.esri.com/t5/arcgis-survey123-questions/surveys-stuck-on-sending/td-p/1094161) and have tried troubleshooting with the suggestions stated in the link. We have checked the XLSForm and found no duplicate values in the name column in the Survey tab. We have also checked other tabs as well. However, nothing seems to work so far.
We have attached a log file in the Survey123 Diagnostics as well for your reference. (Please see 20221103-111525.log below)
Should you have any hints or ideas on how to resolve the issue, we would appreciate it. Thank you very much.
Can you share the logs from the field app when you submit? The attached logs appear to be from Connect
Hi, magisian.
Thank you for replying.
Can you provide the XLSForm (the Excel spreadsheet)? It's by far the best way to get help on this forum and I encourage users to share them where possible.
Can you edit the data in the web map viewer? Go to your portal content, survey folder, add the layer to a new map, and edit there?
A quick glance through the logs indicate two things:
I suspect there are some missing or invalid values in your XLSForm, or there is something not in alignment with your feature layer. There's also some things I can identify - e.g. the entries in the name are longer than 32 characters.
RP_FAAS_BUILDING_deductions_split has 33 characters
Generally, I see this "error" with a public form that is being sent from a S123 Field App that is improperly configured. The Field App needs to be connected to your Portal. That would be the first thing I check (go to Manage ArcGIS Connections).
Second is sharing permissions for the survey in question. Check the S123 Site (https://survey123.arcgis.com/?portalUrl=YOURPORTALURL) and ensure that this survey is shared properly.
Hi, abureaux.
Thank you for replying. The form is not shared publicly since this is still for testing. Before submitting the form, it is already connected to the Portal. We are still looking for workaround on how to address this issue.
Hello, everyone!
Additional information regarding this are as follows:
We have done additional testing regarding this issue. We used 3 different forms to test (Machinery Form, Building Form and Land Form) which consume feature layers that are also not hosted (same setup above). For Land Form (with records that are 1:1), it works perfectly fine. However, for Machinery and Building Forms (with repeat groups inside), sending got stuck with no error displayed.
For Building Form, we further conducted a test and removed the repeat groups. It surprisingly worked and successfully sent. However, for the Machinery Form, it didn't work even after removing the repeat groups.
Attached below is the Building Form. Should you have any other hints and ideas on how to address this issue, we would appreciate it very much.
Thank you, everyone.
Thanks. Bit short on time to review in full but quick comments:
Unrelated, when pasting into Excel always right-click and 'paste values only'. If you paste values normally it'll override the destination formatting and remove the XLSForm data validation checks. I don't see anything 'wrong' on a brief review but I generally see a lot of XLSForm design errors with mixed fonts, where the copy-pasting has removed the checks.