Hey there,
I realize this thread is three years old, but I was coming across the same issue and couldn't find a reliable answer.
In a feature report, there is a text question. I want to return the inputs if the text question was answered, otherwise I want to add a custom message if no answer was provided.
We need to use the not equal (!) operator before the field name in a if statement.
Following that is the syntax for how you want to display the text if the question is answered.
${if !(note_question)}No notes were added for this question.${/}
${note_question| appearance:"multiline"}
If the text question is unanswered, the not equal if statement is true and the custom note is displayed. Though the note question is called, because it's blank, nothing will appear.
If the text question is answered, the not equal if statement is false, the custom note is not displayed, and the value submitted for the note question will display.
Text question is unanswered; custom message appears
Text question is answered; inputted value appears