I was trying to create a feature report where if data was not added to a field then it returned a standard string of text. however it looks like the use of "" is not allowed?
Currently the expression i have is:
${if equipment_name == “”}No Controlled field equipment used${/}
However this comes up with the error: Error: Failed to parse ${ ghd_personel == /“”}.
Does anyone know how to check if data is present in a field?
Hi Charles,
It looks like the error is located at another location than the equipment_name tag you mention in your question. Can you share your template and XLSFile? If you wish to share privately, please e-mail me directly at jtedrick AT Esri.com.
Hi Joe,
Yes, it should be possible with the syntax Charles presented in his question.
Hi James,
I have tried the above syntax but i am not getting the results i expect using ${if fieldname==""}...${/} and wondering if this is only true for text questions? I am trying it with select_one and select_multiple to get it to return set text if nothing is selected but it doesnt appear to work
try this syntax it worked for me : ${if fieldname==null}...${/}