Using the excel form I created a survey. I need to be able to log points in 3D. However when I submit my survey and go to look at the data on the website the "Elevation" always shows up as 0. While using the app it shows a value for altitude and I have tried manually inputting the elevation however I get the same result in the Elevation column on the website:0.
I have attached the excel for your reference.
Hi Katernya
I have tested the survey attached and it works as expected. To help troubleshoot this issue, can you share the device and operating system (and version) you are using, as well as the version of the Survey123 native app you are using?
Hello John,
I am using an iPhone SE running iOS 10.3.3 and the Survey123 is v. 2.5.44.
Thank you,
Ho Kateryna - please drop me an email to trouble shoot this further: jhasthorpe at