I receive the following errors when I try to convert the attached XLSForm (relevant fields highlighted in yellow).
Basically I am collecting data related to sexual and reproductive health and would like to do the following two things
1. If a woman has had more 1 or more live births, I would like the question about the year of her first birth to display, so I have entered the following expression in the "relevant" column: $(livebirths) > 1
2. I would like to calculate the age of each partner at the time of marriage using the following expression: $(marriageyear)-$(wyob)
What am I doing wrong???
These are the errors
1. "ODK Validate Errors: XForm is invalid. See above for the errors. org.javarosa.xform.parse.XFormParseException: Encountered a problem with display condition for node [$(Y_P_1_)] at line: $(livebirths) > 1, Couldn't understand the expression starting at this point: , $(livebirths) >...
2. "ODK Validate Errors: XForm is invalid. See above for the errors. org.javarosa.xform.parse.XFormParseException: Invalidate calculate for the bind attached to "$(w_age_marriage)" : Couldn't understand the expression starting at this point: ,$(marriageyear)... in expression $(marraigeyear)-$(wyob)
Result: Invalid"
Field names use {} not ().
${livebirths} > 1
Hope that helps