I'm trying to send a filled-out survey form which is linked to Workforce (mobile apps) but I get the Send Error message which says “This survey was not able to be sent due to the following error:
Database error has occurred.”
I have created the surveys and all is shared and accessible to relative members in Portal.
When I run it in my desktop survey app there is no problem sending it to Portal.
Any idea or advice?
Thank you.
Hi Mehdi,
Can you please let us know what version of Portal you are using, and what type of authentication?
Also what version of Connect and the field app are you using when trying to submit?
And lastly, can you share your xlsx file so we can take a closer look?
Did you ever get this fixed? I am having the exact same problem.
Hi, I have the same question. I am having a similar problem with 2 surveys. Did you have a solution ?
Thanks, Virginie