Hi Ryan,
I am not sure if I find the reason that causes the error, but I am trying to be more helpful. If you use ${pt_accept_refuseInpatient_signature} in the template, it will raise the "field does not exist or cannot be found" error. I am not sure why you see the error "failed to parse ${patient_signature}", it seems like this error led to the failure first. Would it be possible that you send us your xlsx form or report template, so we can help you identify the issue?
Here is more info about the syntax:
If you want to print the pt_accept_refuse, you only need ${pt_accept_refuse} in the template. Suppose you have another field which also named pt_accept_refuse, but this pt_accept_refuse locates within the incident_form but out of patient_signature, then you need ${incident_form.pt_accept_refuse} if you called it within patient_signature.
${pt_accept_refuse}, ${incident_form.pt_accept_refuse}
Thanks a lot!