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Survey 123 Custom URL issue with special characters in field values

07-11-2023 02:53 PM
Labels (1)
Emerging Contributor

I have a posted field maps map with a popup set up with the popular custom URL capability to auto open up a Survey and autofill survey questions with values from the original Feature Class from the Field Map app.


Link shown in popup text: arcgis-survey123://?itemID=xxxxxx&field:Rel_GlobalID={GlobalID}&field:Project_Name={ProjectName}...ect

Survey is made through S123 Connect version3.15 and uses an existing enterprise feature service to edit a Related Table to track inspections on subdivisions in our city. My issue is that if the Project Name or any other fields have a special character such as # or & it will cut the rest of the value from the field it is pulling from. If i remove the special character from the attribute, the entire value pulls into the survey properly. This issue occurs only on tablets. Windows desktop it has no problem. Is it an issue with it pulling the attribute through a URL and # and & characters are not allowed through URL's?

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2 Replies
MVP Esteemed Contributor

There is a special Arcade function called URLEncode, which you can read about here:

Use Arcade to generate the link, and you will have a properly-formatted URL in which the special characters are escaped.

- Josh Carlson
Kendall County GIS
Emerging Contributor

I believe i see what you mean. I am trying to set up the arcade with syntax found online but i am not sure what i am doing wrong to set the dictionary for the params variable. I have in photo example below. I also need more that one field to auto populate, would i do that with just multiple 'field' objects in the dictionary?
