I am currently attempting to create a field based on a mathematical formula but the formula is getting held up do to the subtraction sign. I know this because I have performed calculations on other parts of the formula with no issue. The formula is shown below and the part I believe is causing issues is in bold. Thanks in advance.
${gpm_flow} * pow(${flwhyd_static_pressure_psi}-20,0.54) div pow(${flwhyd_static_pressure_psi},0.54 - pow(${reshyd_pressure_psi}, 0.54)
The formula I am attempting is
Hi Jason,
try something like this:
${gpm_flow} * (pow(${flwhyd_static_pressure_psi}-20,0.54)/pow(${flwhyd_static_pressure_psi}-${reshyd_pressure_psi}, 0.54))