I am using Survey123 and have run into this error: "The custom feature service submission_url is not compatible with this survey. Table treespoints not found."
I inputted treespoints and it's url in the settings tab in the Excel/XLS sheet but the error still occurs.
I thought it could also be the repeat expression but it looks fine (to me).
I am sure it's an easy fix but my eyes have been glazing over this file for hours and I am growing inpatient.
You do not put 2 URLs in the settings page. Just the 1 URL to the top level of the service with a layer name of MASTER_UF_INVENTORY_USE since that is your form_id and then there should be a related table called treespoints inside that same service. Cannot point to 2 different services.
You did not post a image of your service so hard to tell.
Hope that helps.
Following on from what @DougBrowning said, just make sure the tables and IDs match as per the following example
My prediction is the form_id is not correct.
Hope this helps
You could try 'test' in form_id.
What I do to always get the correct form_id and submission URL is create a survey from Feature Service.