I am struggling with Survey123. I have created the survey with the web creation tool. When I try to share with 'Everyone" it also selects the "Within ORG" and I can not uncheck that box which forces the person to have to be a member of the ORG. Any ideas would be appreciated ....Mike
Hi Mike,
"Within org" is automatically selected when "Everyone" is selected because Everyone includes everyone within the organization. When "Everyone" is selected, sign-in is not required.
Thank you! But when I share the survey people are asked to sign into the ORG.
I appreciate your help!
Michael Jabot, Ph.D.
Professor, Science Education
US Partner - GLOBE Program
NASA Earth Ambassador
Director, Institute for Research in Science Teaching
State University of New York at Fredonia
E250 Thompson Hall
Fredonia, NY 14063
716.320-0189 (Google Voice)
Can you verify that sharing to everyone is enabled for your ArcGIS organization? You can do this by logging into http://www.arcgis.com. In the 'My Content' page, you will see a folder named 'Survey-<SURVEY NAME>'. Clicking on that folder will show the survey form and the feature service. Click on the checkboxes and attempt to share form there. If the word 'Everyone' is disabled, you're not set up to share with everyone- this can be changed by your organization administrators.
Thank you again. I am able to click on Everyone.
Another odd happening is that it does not stay shared. I share with everyone .... try it on a device ... and then when I log back in (either in Survey or ArcGIS) it is back to Not Shared.
Thank You again for your help
Michael Jabot, Ph.D.
Professor, Science Education
US Partner - GLOBE Program
NASA Earth Ambassador
Director, Institute for Research in Science Teaching
State University of New York at Fredonia
E250 Thompson Hall
Fredonia, NY 14063
716.320-0189 (Google Voice)
Hi Mike,
From your description below,
Another odd happening is that it does not stay shared. I share with everyone .... try it on a device ... and then when I log back in (either in Survey or ArcGIS) it is back to Not Shared.
Seems it's the same behavior of one of the known issues with the Survey123 website, which is caused by lack of certain privilege in your ArcGIS Online account (share to everyone/org/group).
To help us confirm the cause of the problem, would you mind please to follow the steps below and let us know if there's something wrong in any step?
Thank you for emailing me!
When I get to Steps 5-6
This is what is displayed:
It won't let me uncheck the "Members of the Organization"
Thank you again
Michael Jabot, Ph.D.
Professor, Science Education
US Partner - GLOBE Program
NASA Earth AmbassadorDirector, *Institute for Research in Science
State University of New York at Fredonia
E250 Thompson Hall
Fredonia, NY 14063
716.320-0189 (Google Voice)
Hi Michael Jabot
What you saw in step 6 is expected, the "Members of the Organization" will always be checked if you check the "Everyone (public)" due to any members in your org can definitely access the survey if it's shared to public.
Is there any other exception you've encountered until step 9?