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Share results as table

12-10-2023 12:39 AM
New Contributor


Looking for an easy way to share survey123 results as table only (no map or geo data).

Similar to "Data" tab in ArcGIS Survey123 web. 

Used instant app with attachment viewer but i don't need the map view and the attachment for different fields shows in one gallery.   I want to have a table view with images shows in form view.

Any Ideas?

using viewer account and share results do have "Data" tab but shows the map and analyze tab which I don't want.


5 Replies
MVP Frequent Contributor

Your could mirror the data in a different  database. For example, I dump all my data into SharePoint since most of my users don't need maps and it let's me transform data in things like powerbi. 

If you don't need a live view, you could export data into a csv. 

If you want a live view within  Esri, you could probably set up a view and choose columns that way. 

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MVP Esteemed Contributor

I would also check out ArcGIS for Excel then you can link the sheet right to the service and then get updates with no download needed.  Its slick.

MVP Frequent Contributor

This seems like a neat one. Unlike ArcGIS for SharePoint, this one doesn't appear to be behind a paywall. (Super disappointed that about the SP paywall...)

Unfortunately, my organization has disabled this component of Office365 so I can't try it out. I also can't think of a good use-case atm to petition them to make any changes since SP and PBI give us a ton of good options. But, I will keep this in mind if anything does come up.

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MVP Esteemed Contributor

For me I showed my IT how it can be added as a Admin Managed Add-in vs the store and that got it approved.  May be worth a shot.

On another project for PDFs what we do is schedule a Python script nightly that downloads then posts them all to sharepoint.  You can just keep adding them to a folder nightly and then everyone just goes to that link.  You could also post them as a AGOL item.

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New Contributor

Thanks !

Indeed managed to pull the data into a sheet using ArcGIS for Excel.

Still looking for a solution that will show the attachments in some "form" view.