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Send Error: Layer not found in feature service

06-09-2023 07:05 AM
Regular Contributor


As the title says, I am receiving a send error: layer not found in feature service. I have tried restarting the device, signing out, signing back in and even scrapping the original survey and creating a new one. Any advice? Thank you.

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9 Replies
Esri Regular Contributor

Hello @bsklaohfl

Are you using ArcGIS Online or ArcGIS Enterprise? If you look at the schema for your survey and compare it to the layers and tables for your feature service item do they match? 



Thank you,
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Regular Contributor

Hi @ZacharySutherby ,


This is the problem! They do not match. The schema on the survey is different from the layer on the survey, because I changed the name. How can I adjust the schema to match? Thank you!

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Esri Regular Contributor

Hello @bsklaohfl

I would suggest making the change in the surveys XLSForm, if the issue is the main layer doesn't match you can set it in the form_id column of the settings worksheet. If the issue is a related layer or table doesn't match you will need to update the name of the begin repeat in the survey worksheet. Assuming you are using a submission_url Survey123 shouldn't let you republish the survey unless the schema matches. 

Thank you,
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Regular Contributor

That worked - thank you so much!

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Regular Contributor


Hi Zach,

The problem has come back. Is there somewhere else I can look to change the feature service name to double check everything matches? Thanks.

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Occasional Contributor

Did you ever figure out what was going on? We are experiencing this same issue right now. 

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Esri Regular Contributor

Hello @cepsgis @bsklaohfl

If you are using a pulldata("@layer") function in your survey that points to the same feature service the survey points to you may be running into BUG-000159544. 

We have Beta builds of Survey123 in our Early Adopter Community that has this defect resolved. If you test with the latest 3.19 build in EAC is the same behavior observed? 



Thank you,
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Regular Contributor

@cepsgis yes, I think the error for us was running a super old version of Survey123.

Previous errors I ran into were changing the saved location of the feature service and changing the feature service name. I ended up creating what I needed in Survey123, publishing the feature service from Survey123, and no touching anything. Regardless of this, I was still getting an error and can attribute it to the old version of Survey123. 

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Regular Contributor

Thinking back, after this post I recreated everything again. The Survey123, published the service via Survey123, did not rename or move anything. Recreated Excel Form typing everything out manually. I even contacted ESRI supportline and did a screenshare. The issue I ran into was the survey would send with no errors on the Survey123 Desktop App, but would not send on the Survey123 iOS app. Solution there was to update the app. I hope this helps, no "easy" fix from me, anyways.

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