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Select_One answer to display relevant images without using multiple fields / collumns

12-15-2022 03:19 PM
New Contributor

Hiya Esri Community!

I am currently trying to tidy up my survey for individually monitoring 30 streams.
The number of streams within the select_one field, with each requiring 1-2 relevant images to display upon selection, I have had to create a lot of individual image fields with their respective 'relevant' I.D.
Although this works fine from the user interface end, it creates a big mess when it comes time to review the data (Fig. 3)
Is there any way I can create something similar to the nested IF statements or Pull data, so I only have to use one column to drive this function?

Also, is there any way I can remove other unnecessary fields from being shown when reviewing data?

Thanks 🙂



Fig. 1 


Fig. 2


Fig. 2.1



Fig. 3





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1 Reply
MVP Esteemed Contributor

I would use Field Maps for this.  Way easier.  You could have a web map with all the images and locations of the previous visits (I assume that is the images) and other info.  Then a launch link to launch the form passing over anything you need.  It would also then all work offline.  Just an idea.

Could also use Arcade to grab the rainfall for them or post or process it.  We stopped asking for rainfall since we can go get that info in script not need to bother them with that.

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