Hi Gayle Neufeld You should be able to adjust the rules at anytime during the design/publishing process. It may be best for you to call Esri Technical support for this issue as this will be best addressed through a screen sharing session.
I'm having a similar issue. I've cleared and rebuilt my rules a handful of times but I can't seem to get a no response from one question to actually jump to the bottom of the survey like the rule tells it to.
each time I reopen the editing page, some of the rules / logic are lost (randomly.. the rules lost are not always the same), while I'm editing, reordering or correcting some of them, some other already corrected and published are messed up. The most odd is that the builder acts like it cannot identify the questions/fields, in some cases I found rules connecting questions which were never connected. In some other cases I found in the dropdown menu of the rules' configurator the choices from a different non correlated question.. we are struggling with that issue, configuring and re-configuring since 3 o 4 weeks, I gave up and move to a connect survey.. the complexity is now to train the customer in the xls form updating 😞