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Repeat Display in 1.4.28

05-18-2016 01:21 PM
Frequent Contributor

After updating to 1.4.28 app, my repeats are not displaying properly. The repeats are showing up blank and require the plus button to be pressed to show the questions within the repeat (repeat1.png). In 1.3.38 they would look like (repeat2.png). Is this the way the repeats are supposed to work now?

This occurs with both Android and iOS.



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2 Replies
Esri Notable Contributor

Hi Gary,

I looked at your Survey and it looks like we have a couple of different things here going on.

First, your questions in the repeat are not showing. Instead, you see a plus button. This is by design. Up until 1.4.28, we did not support Required, Calculations or Constraints within a repeat. As we got into implementing 'required' questions we figured that if we were to show the questions like before, you would not be able to submit your  survey unless you had completed at least required questions within a repeat. The problem is that logically you only want a question within a repeat to be truly required if you have at least one entry within the repeat. For example, say no inspections were done... then it would be a pain to have any required questions within the inspections repeat...  So with 1.4.28, what  you see is that by default questions within a repeat are hidden, unless you want to add a new entry within the repeat. It is only at that point that you see the questions, and the 'required' logic is triggered.  Otherwise it would be strange for a user to see that she was able to submit a survey without completing a question that is flagged in red as required.


All of the above may make sense once explained, but looking at your Survey it was really disorienting that the plus buttons had no context at all. So turns out that your repeat blocks did not have labels and that is why the repeats appear like floating in nowhere. So the second problem is that your repeats did not show any headers. This problem can be addressed  adding a label to your repeats. I took the labels from your Groups, put them into the repeat and removed the groups. Then I got something like shown in the screenshot below. I think if you change the text in the label to be plural (Air Vent Inspections), the field users will naturally tend to push the + button if an inspection is made. I kind of like the new design for repeats, because it takes much less vertical space in  your survey too, but that is just me. Let us know if this all makes sense to you.



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Frequent Contributor

Good morning Ismael,

I understand the logic used for the repeat groups and the required questions. I had intentionally left the label for the repeat blank since I had a label on the group and did not want/need 2 lines of label text there.

Saying that, I would give this setup for the repeats a -1, I would like the questions in the repeat to be visible prior to tapping the plus sign. Can I use a relevant statement with the begin group? ie. "date" field not empty.

Would that cause the repeat to show the questions?



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