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Pull values from specific index in a repeat for feature report template

03-07-2022 01:03 PM
MVP Regular Contributor


I am wondering if it is possible to pull information for a specific index within a repeat into a feature report template. 

Here is a sample of the template that I need to replicate (and the format has to be identical). The user collects habitat type data for T1 (Transect 1), T2, etc.....for how many transects there are in that segment of stream. (max of 13).


So in the first box, I put ${#habitat_repeat}${habitat_types | selected: "ub"}. This opens the repeat and will place a checkbox in that cell if that habitat type exists in T1. So far, so good...

But what if that habitat type is also selected in T3, but not T2? If I just put ${habitat_types | selected: "ub"} in the next cell, it will populate the same as the cell for T1. If I close the repeat in the cell for T1 with ${/} and reopen the repeat in the cell for T2, I'm assuming it will return the information for what was selected in the first item of the repeat. Is this correct?

I hope this makes sense. Any advice or suggestions are greatly appreciated! @JamesTedrick 





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