I am trying to publish a Survey to Enterprise Portal and it fails because it has an uppercase letter in the field name. Has anyone had this happen?
example of the field is: partA_Area
Hi Tonya,
This is a known limitation when publishing a survey to Enterprise. Please find it listed in the linked help document below...
Use Survey123 with ArcGIS Enterprise—Survey123 for ArcGIS | ArcGIS
Thanks for the help!
Is there a workaround for this?
I have a survey with 223 rows, all of which have a capitalization in the name. We previously were publishing to AGOL, but are migrating to Portal, and when I attempt to publish to Portal I run into this error.
If I use Excel, I must create a new column and use =LOWER(@name), however adding a new column breaks the survey.
@Tina_LLD can you please elaborate on the survey being broken?
If the error is related to the new field (lowercase name) not being present in the feature service when attempting to publish, you can try adding the field with lowercase name to the Enterprise feature service prior to adding to the XLSX Form, and then attempting to republish. This way it will recognize the lowercase field name as existing during publish and prevent from needing to create a new one (although adding fields should generally be fine).
For general reference, it is not possible to change field names of an existing feature service (limitation across ArcGIS Online and ArcGIS Enterprise).