Hello 😊 !
I am facing a problem with the configuration of my formular with the style "dynamy-grid".
I read the 2 documentation pages about grid on Survey123 :
Apparence—ArcGIS Survey123 | Documentation
Survey123 - Table-list, Groups, and Grids - Esri Community
I tried to apply exactly the same procedure in thoses documents but I struggle to adapt the number of column for each element in a group. I would like that some elements of a group are splitted in 2 colums, and some to take the whole width of the page (1 column). This is a successful exemple from the documentation of what I am precisely trying to do :
Now, here's my try that is not working :
Here, the text element labeled "Text" is set with the appearance "w2", so it should take the whole width of the page instead of a demi-column like the rest of the elements.
I would be happy if someone could help me ! 👍
do you have dynamic-grid or fixed-grid in your style column on your settings sheet?
Can you share the XLSForm in full?
What version of Survey123 Connect?