I am currently developing a pole inspection survey for a utilities customer where they can assess the condition grade of a power pole.
In the condition section of the survey, the user can assess whether there is a defect with the pole. In this section, they need to assess whether there is corrosion of the pole, but should only be allowed to select "light" or "significant" corrosion. Ive tried to remedy this with the following expression in the constraint field but the survey still accepts an entry of light or significant in the pole defect field:
select_multiple pipe_defect | absPipeDefect | Is there a DEFECT with the ABS Operating Pipe? | Select all that apply. | if((selected(${absPipeDefect}, 'LightCorrosion')) and (selected (${absPipeDefect} , 'SignificantCorrosion')), false() ) |
Can you please provide some help with this?
Try this
selected(${absPipeDefect},'light') or selected(${absPipeDefect},'significant')
For "constraint" fields, they only parse when the survey is submitted. That means you need to enter the data and the press "submit" to see if it is working.
EDIT: Didn't scroll enough to the right. You have "and" in there. That means the user needs to select both for the statement to be true. It seems like this should be either/or, meaning you want "or".