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Overwrite auto-captured geopoint with calculated geopoint?

10-31-2023 10:08 AM
Emerging Contributor

Since my previous question never really got answered, I'm trying again. Is there a way to overwrite the geopoint that is automatically captured when the survey is opened with a geopoint that is calculated from values on the form? 

I know how to calculate the geopoint I want, but I can't figure out how to replace the default geopoint with the calculated one.


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2 Replies
MVP Esteemed Contributor
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Emerging Contributor

I had the above code in my calculation column and it wasn't working so I tried many things and finally landed on this combination of settings that force it to recalculate once there is at least one feature mapped.

relevant: ${feature_count}>0   (This is a count of the features that the lat/long numbers are being pulled from)

Bind::esri:parameters: calculationMode=always


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