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Missing related records in S123 Connect form based on Feature Service

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12-29-2022 10:51 AM
Emerging Contributor

I have a S123 connect form based on a Feature Service. The FS contains 1 feature layer (Services), 1 related table (CT Accts) with records and 1 related table to the related table (CT Inspections) no records. Both relationships are explicit. Both related tables have attachments enabled. When I look at the FS only Services with CT Acct records (368) display and I can see the related CT Accts records. However, when I open my S123 form on Apple tablet all 3400+ Services display in the Inbox and none have related CT Acct records. I have checked several Services that should have CT Acct records but they are not there.  I have followed the blog  and have met the requirements. I don't know what I've done wrong. Any assistance would be much appreciated. Thanks.

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2 Solutions

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Esri Regular Contributor

Hello @MindiHarrah

You will need to have the value query in the bind::esri:parameters column for the begin repeat statement for related records to be queried and brought in the Inbox. Please see this documentation for more information. 

Thank you,

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Emerging Contributor

Thank you Zach!! That's exactly what I needed.

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2 Replies
Esri Regular Contributor

Hello @MindiHarrah

You will need to have the value query in the bind::esri:parameters column for the begin repeat statement for related records to be queried and brought in the Inbox. Please see this documentation for more information. 

Thank you,
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Emerging Contributor

Thank you Zach!! That's exactly what I needed.

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