Hi I need some help!
I am building a public facing portal app to provide info on several clinics (data is in an SDE on a GIS server federated with the portal). I would like to provide an option for the public to rate these clinics. Can I use Survey123 as a link from the app (perhaps from the popup on teh web map), which would update the feature class on the SDE? Does anyone have experience with that?
To clarify: I am looking for a solution using the survey's web format, as I don't expect people to download the Survey123 app just to rate a clinic...
Hi Zach,
We aren't quite at the point of fully supporting the workflow you are describing yet, but the pieces are mostly in place as beta features. If the form is simple enough, you can author it in the web designer by adding in a
?portalUrl=<web address of your portal> to the Survey132.arcgis.com URL; i.e., https://survey123.arcgis.com?portalUrl=https://jtedrick.esri.com/portal in the case of my computer, which is named jtedrick.