I have a survey in version 3.5 with pre-defined geopoint position. When users move the map the marker remains centered by changing the coordinates. The same survey in version 3.12.232 loses this functionality, that is, when we move the map the predefined marker moves too (see attached images). Is there a way for the map works like in version 3.5?
Hi @LuisReis1,
What you are seeing in version 3.12 of the web app is the expected and correct behaviour in the geopoint map control in a web browser. Due to the way scroll and pan navigation interacts with a web browser, enhancements based on user requests were made to the map question in version 3.6 (Sept 2019). Since this version the behaviour has been the same.
This avoids the geometry (marker) of geopoint map question accidently being moved and enables the user to browse the web map (by zoom or pan) before selecting where to move the marker to. Once the correct new location is found, the user can tap/click the map in that location. This ensures that locations set via defaults, calculations and when editing existing data in the web app do not get accidently changed or overwirtten without user interaction and confirmation.