Hi friends,
I have developed a survey in Survey123 (https://arcg.is/1SqDm5) which doesn't collect location data. It generates a Feature Layer (hosted) in my AGOL Content and has an associated table with it. I think all the records in the Survey123 table gets a coordinate Lat:0/ Long:0, as they are plotted near Africa in the ocean. One of the fields in the table has names of States in India, which comes from one of the questions that each survey participant has to answer. At the same time, I have uploaded a shapefile as a Feature Layer (hosted) in my AGOL Content having a field with State names.
I want to join these two tables, using the State Name field in both the tables, and generate a choropleth map to display the number of responses from each state. Also to summarize other data on the map state-wise. I has hoping that as the tally of respondents change across each state over time, it will result in a dynamic choropleth map. Unfortunately, the join operation fails. I don't know why. Can anyone help me with this?
So you are stripping out the GPS then adding location back in later? Is it a privacy thing or something?
You could do a "geocoding" right in the form. Have them pick the state then do a lookup to get a Lat/Long of say the center of the state - so really it is just a lookup not a geocode. Set the form point as the state lookup lat/long - then the form has a point and everything will be much smoother.
Hi Indranil,
Can you provide samples of rows that should join together? What tool are you using to join - ArcGIS Online, ArcGIS Pro?
Did you ever find out why the join failed? I am having a similar issue, the data from Survey123 is in a dropdown list (created in web designer). Looking at the data it seems like the dropdown options (which matched field values in a feature layer in arcgis online) are treated as descriptions or labels and the actual field value is lowercase with underscores. Then, the join doesn't work.