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How to zoom to and highlight that polygon in a geopoint question, based on user-inputted polygon ID?

03-07-2024 04:51 PM
Occasional Contributor II

Our survey is creating point data in a feature service. I'd like the user to be able to input a polygon ID (parcel number in this case), then have the geopoint map in the following question zoom to and highlight that parcel.

Is this possible?

I still want the output of the survey to be a point, not the polygon in question. I just want that point to be contained within the polygon (parcel).

and if possible, I'd like to also have the option to use an address to set the location of the geopoint. I've already got this to work using concat() and pulldata on the X and Y of the address. Just not sure if it can be combined with what I'm asking for above.

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