How to rename the xls file and the directory

05-08-2018 12:40 PM
MVP Esteemed Contributor

Is there a good way to change the xls file and the directory it is in?  It seems like no matter what I do sometimes I get stuck with Form 4.xlxs in a Form 4 directory.  I have not had much luck changing them once they are published.  I have so many Form 4, 5, 10, etc that it is hard to keep them straight.

Seems like to have to do all the naming before you ever open an Excel sheet.  Once you do it seems like you are stuck.


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6 Replies
Esri Regular Contributor

The easiest thing to do is make a copy of the survey using the 'create a survey' option in Connect.

This will duplicate the survey (including all files) and you can give it the name that you want. You would then need to publish it as a new survey.



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MVP Esteemed Contributor

Thanks I have used that but that means I have to fill out all the metadata again and all settings.  Looks like I will have to anyway though since when I changed accounts from test to production it is hiding ALL my forms.  So now I must log in as old account, manually copy all metadata to a txt file, log in as new account, import name, metadata, publish, etc - for each form.  Bummer have to start over again.

I really hope a test/dev/production workflow is addressed at some point.  Amazing how many times I have to start over.


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MVP Esteemed Contributor

Turns out the latest Survey123 does actually keep all my metadata so it was easier.  I take that comment back.

BUT it does not bring over anything in the media folder.  You must go back and copy that over manually

Only weird thing is if I am logged in to my new account I see my forms.  If I login with old account I see all the forms once but they all have a download arrow on there (except 1 form for some reason).  If I am not logged in at all I see all my forms listed twice for some reason.  


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Esri Regular Contributor

Hi Doug - I can confirm that the media folder and contents should be copied over into the new survey. Please let me know what version of Survey123 you are using, because this is working for me.

In terms of the download behavior you are seeing - this is what is expected:

- You sign out - You see all surveys created by you or another username on your current machine

- You sign in with username 1 - you see all local surveys that are unpublished and all those published by username 1. 

You sign in with username 2 - you see all local surveys that are unpublished and all those published by username 2.

The download icon indicates that the survey has been punished to AGOL/Portal by the user you are signed in as and can be downloaded/re-downloaded. The names of surveys in connect should be unique.

If you are seeing something different could you please provide details of the steps you are using.



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MVP Esteemed Contributor

Sorry it has been awhile but just after posting this I lost my entire HD due to a IT "patch".

Due to this I can no longer show you what I was seeing.

Luckily I had just published the surveys the day before.  I was able to retrieve the surveys using the download option.  Props to you guys that the new 2.7 does a much better job of downloading ALL the form info needed.  In the past metadata, or media, or something would go missing (going back to 2015 when I started with Survey123).

But this points out even more how important it is to allow the path to the Surveys to change!

Our IT only backs up My Documents on the C drive so I lost everything in Survey123 (minus some older backups).  I just do not understand putting it buried in a part of the users drive that almost no one ever backs up (and an area that many VMs bar the user from even seeing).  Very bad spot where it is now in my opinion.  I have got into the habit of backing them up manually but really I should not have to.

Really needs to be a network drive.  Many IT depts are locking out the C drive completely now.  In fact the last big Survey123 project I had was close to getting shut down simply because no C drive on our VMs. 

If Survey123 is ever going to transition from small projects to enterprise scale this whole storage/share/production/dev/test file juggling needs to get worked out.

Please take this as constructive feedback.


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Esri Regular Contributor

Hi Doug,

We do have this request open as an enhancement request and I will add your comments to it - this is not the first time this has been asked for.

Thanks for the feedback.



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