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How to Create a Survey123 with Fillable Table

09-09-2019 12:38 PM
Occasional Contributor

Does anyone know how I could create a survey that includes a fillable table like the one below.  I haven't been able to find a way to do it in Survey123 but I would appreciate any advice.  The table would be filled in with height of plant species.  The specific plant species would be in the 6 columns.  36 stops are made and each plant species height is measured in inches and entered into the table.  We can't use Excel on our tablets, but we can use Survey123.  Any help is appreciated.  Thanks!

8 Replies
by Anonymous User
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There is not a way to view your questions as a table, but when you go to export the data from AGOL the data will be in table format. If you design your form in an intuitive way, you won't have any problems.

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MVP Esteemed Contributor

Take a look at the new Grid theme.  What’s new in Survey123 for ArcGIS (June 2019 Update) 

You cannot grow a repeat in a table yet but if you have a set number of 36 you can pull it off.

Occasional Contributor

To add on to what Doug has mentioned by using Survey123 Connect you can access the "Grid Style Group" sample form that is configured with different layout options for using the 'Grid Theme'.  It also gives an example of incorporating repeats.

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Regular Contributor


As mentioned, there are two ways to do that :

1- Create 36x6=216 fields (eg. Stop1_Spc1, Stop1_Spc2 ... Stop36_Spc6) and use the new grid-theme to organize them. (you could use Note type questions to show species names atop the grid).

2- Since you have a 1->N relationship between a Study and several Stops, you should use a feature service with a relationship class between two tables (one for the study number, allotment etc... and the other for the Stops) and use the Repeat functionality with a repeat-count set to 36.

Hope this help

MVP Esteemed Contributor

For 1 above there is now a new style called Single Choice grid coming in 3.6 that lets you just use the labels just once vs for every question.  

For 2 you cannot use a repeat and have it look like above.  The repeat will have just 1 row with a + for more.  The team did say they are looking into growing a repeat down a table but for now it does not.

Occasional Contributor

Thanks everyone for the excellent feedback.  I will try the grid theme.  We'd be using this app on Samsung tablets.  I had seen Single Choice Grid didn't work on the tablets but tried it anyway and it didn't work. But grid theme looks like it might be just what I was looking for. Thank you!

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Deactivated User

Hi Julie - Would you mind sharing your survey?  I am working on a very similar survey for owl data collection. Thanks!

New Contributor

Hi Julie! I realize this post is from a while ago, but I was wondering if you were able to figure out a good way to add this to Survey123? Any tips would be appreciated!