I'm trying to get survey123connect to auto-select a multiple-choice question based on the input of a previous question.
You see I want to have it where when you select "Yes" from Do you have students who are performing significantly below grade level in all subject areas?
'II" and "SLD" are auto selected.
I tried putting the if statement in the calculation row like this" if(selected(${II_SLD_belowgrade},'Yes'), 'II,SLD', ") " but it doesn't see to work.
I don't know what's going on can someone help me.
I also attached the xls form here for context.
What you have works for me on a simple form. I wonder if it is all those special chars in the list names. I really would not do that. No / or (). Try that to start with.
really well ok I will try that.
Yea us old school never use special chars like ever lol. Just not worth it.