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georeference image on survey123

03-21-2024 12:17 PM
New Contributor

Hi, I'm interested in creating a survey in survey123 about my university campus. My university is quite new so the esri basemaps don't show much about it. I was wondering if its possible to georeference a more traditional illustrated map of campus on top of the basemap, so that when users are placing points and polygons it's clearer which parts of campus they're placing it on. Thanks!

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2 Replies
MVP Regular Contributor

Hi Natalie,

It's definitely possible, I've done this to show features to users in the map before. You can set up a web map you want to use in the geopoint question for your survey and then link it under Linked Content in Connect (I'm less sure of the web designer). You'd need to georeference the map you want and share it to ArcGIS Online.

Then on the Map tab it should appear in the options for your basemap for you to select.

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