Hello All,
I'm having an issues with a workflow that in practice sounds easy but I have been running into some difficulty.
The ideal workflow I'm looking at consists of office members populating a point feature on a web map, and field crews using Explorer to interact with the data and select a hyperlink that would open Survey123 to be able to edit that data at the location they clicked on.
Currently, After selecting the hyperlink on the feature, I can only get Survey123 to open a new survey that creates a new point. I know Survey123 has the Inbox function with map, but I don't think that is the best route to go and seems to make it more complicated. In this case there really should be no reason for the field crews to update the location on the map.
Hi Ben,
Currently Survey123 can only be opened by a hyperlink to add a new record, not to edit an existing record. We are planning to provide this capability in a future release of Survey123.
Thanks, James. I'll look forward to the release of that capability
Is there a timeframe on this capability?
Hi HEC Admin,
Currently we do not have a set time frame for this capability enhancement. We will be sure to update you once we do.
We are also looking for this functionality. We would like to open an existing Survey123 inspection form from the Explorer app and then edit the existing content of the inspection form within Survey123.
Has this functionality been added since July?