I am doing a survey in Arcgis Survey123 through the web platform, but I can't see the preview. When I try, I get the following error: "999: There are more than one survey elements named 'field_9_0' (case-insensitive) in the section named '_5_con_qu_frecuencia_asistes_a_'.". I checked the question, but the error does not exist. Can you please help me?
Hello @FranciscoAllard,
If you select Publish on the bottom right then select Modify schema that will show you the schema of your form. Are there 2 questions in that UI that both have the name 'field_9_0'?
Ok, thank you very much. Now it works.
But I wonder if I made a mistake or if it is a bug. Because I did not name the questions with the same name.