Entries for one site by multiple users

04-27-2020 11:21 AM
New Contributor

In the 123 Survey we would like to develop a form where land managers will answer certain questions about a site where invasive plant species will be treated. Then a contractor, who will be treating the infestation at that site, will enter data for another set of questions while doing the treatment. What is the best way to have different users enter fields about the same geo-location in Survey 123? The managers can potentially enter their data before or after the contractor treat the site.

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3 Replies
Esri Notable Contributor

Hi. I think you could use the Inbox functionality in the Survey123 field app for this.  Through the Survey123 Inbox, you can fetch existing records from a feature service and open them as a Survey123 smart form.  Since you can build multiple surveys on top of a single feature service, you can model the managers' and contractor surveys separately, but have them all feed from the same feature layer. 

Info about the Inbox can be found here: Prepare for editing existing survey data—Survey123 for ArcGIS | Documentation 

Info about building surveys on top of existing feature services here: Settings—Survey123 for ArcGIS | Documentation 

You would need to create first a master survey, including all questions (from managers and contractors). This master survey will help you create the master feature service where all data will be stored. Then, you can use that feature service to create the contractor and manager surveys, and enable the Inbox so you can move data from one survey to the other:

  1. Land manager opens survey for a property and completes questionnaire. Submits.
  2. Contractor uses Inbox to fetch the data from the Land Manager, but the data is shown in the Contractor's survey. Submits.
  3. Land manager can now also go to the Inbox to fetch info for the original property with info now from the Manager and Contractor.. and so on and so forth.
New Contributor

That's very helpful, thank you. I just want to clarify, all surveys that will be built on top of a same feature service will access the same Inbox, correct? We also need to collect post-treatment data for each site that will be collected repeatedly (e.g. 1 month, 1 year, 2 years after the treatment etc). Based on your advice, I am assuming that the post-treatment data should be collected under be another built-on "Post-treatment" survey. In the end we would like to see how each site changes over time. Should each time step be a separate survey, or can we somehow collect different time steps using one Post-treatment survey? Thank you.

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Esri Notable Contributor

If you want the managers and contractors to collaboratively work against the same features, I think the best approach is to have them both work against the same feature layer.

For the historical records, I think the approach would be similar: Your post-treatment survey would have an Inbox where you load the properties. Each property has a repeat where you keep the history log.

You may want to check the section 'Repeats in the Inbox' in this post: https://community.esri.com/groups/survey123/blog/2020/04/09/survey123-tricks-of-the-trade-repeats This may give you some additional ideas.