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Editing survey123 using main map in experience builder

4 weeks ago
New Contributor II

I have configured a survey123 to run in Experience builder to allow users to create a point and complete the survey. Users are unhappy with having to plot points on the inbuilt survey123 map, they want to plot a point on the main map interface and for this to trigger the survey.

Is it possible for users to create a point on the main map interface and then fill in the rest of the survey?

Using the edit widget has also been explored, but this does not fulfil other needs of the app.

Any help is much appreciated.


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1 Reply
MVP Regular Contributor

Short answer is "no".

But, if you have the knowledge/time, you could build a widget in Experience Builder that would transfer map locations to Survey123 I'm sure. The default EB widgets don't "talk" to Survey123, unfortunately.

This is a fairly common ask, and one I hope they address.