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Default Answer to Select One using Choice List from Feature Layer

05-11-2021 06:11 AM
Frequent Contributor


We are authoring a survey using Survey123 Connect version 3.12.232.  This survey contains a 'Select One' question and the Choice List is being pulled from a hosted feature layer with an 'Autocomplete Search' appearance.  The components are working as expected with the exception of the default value that we have provided in the default column.  When watching the form load, it seems that the question is initially populated with the default value, then quickly gets overwritten as the choice list from the hosted feature layer is loaded.  Just wanted to understand if we should expect a default value to work when we are using a select one question with a choice list that is being loaded from a hosted feature layer??


 - Jake

3 Replies
Esri Regular Contributor


Assuming the field that is being used for the select one question uses domain values the default value will need to use the domain code instead of the label, or from the XLSForm the choice name instead of the label. 

Thank you, 


Thank you,
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Frequent Contributor

Thanks for the reply Zachary,

We have tried using the domain code instead of the label and the behavior is that the domain code initially populated for .5 second, then gets overwritten when the choices load from the table.  

Thanks for confirming that we should expect this functionality to work.

 - Jake


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Regular Contributor

Same thing here.

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