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Dashboard with embedded survey issue

11-04-2022 09:53 AM
Regular Contributor

Hello all,

I have a dashboard with an embedded survey that is used to edit survey responses. One of the functions of this dashboard/embedded survey is to track the training status of an employee. When the employee begins, they will select an option between 1 - 10 (select_one) depending on which training module they are on. I have a series of calculations set to be relevant depending on the selection of 1 - 10, and each selection of 1 - 10 has its own calculations.

The issue I'm running in to is when the calculate questions are not set to relevant, the data disappears from the dashboard. Is this to be expected? 

Thank you for any help!

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5 Replies
MVP Esteemed Contributor

Yes, when a question is not relevant on the form, no data is submitted for those fields. You could, alternatively, have your relevant calculation in the appearance column, and have it return "hidden" if it's not relevant. It would feel the same to the end user, but allows other fields to remain present in the form data.

When you say "disappears", do you mean fields are emptied out, or that whole features actually go away?

- Josh Carlson
Kendall County GIS
Regular Contributor

Hello again Josh!

I think the fields are being cleared when not relevant, as you pointed out. I will try your hidden appearance calculation, that is a great idea.

Thank you again for the help!!

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Regular Contributor

I am having difficulty getting this to work. Here is my expression:

if(selected(${Audit_Select}, '!=FIA1'), 'hidden', '')

However it doesn't seem to do anything. Is my expression incorrect?

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MVP Esteemed Contributor

It just needs to be true and selected and != and not going to work together.

try this in the esri visible column

not(selected(${Audit_Select}, 'FIA1'))

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Esri Notable Contributor

Hi. @Hammers211  I think @jcarlson meant the body::esri:visible column, as opposed to the appearance column. 

More details here: 

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