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Copy address to geopoint question

07-13-2023 12:32 PM
Regular Contributor


I have an address line in my survey that is provided by the user. I would like that address to automatically appear in this part of the geopoint question:



How can I achieve this? Thank you!

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3 Replies
Regular Contributor

Hi Jim,

Thank you for the reply. I'm not quite sure this is what I'm looking for. I think this guide utilizes credits for the geocoding process, yes?

All I would like to do is essentially copy/paste the address information that the user inputs into the field that I highlighted in the above image.

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Esri Regular Contributor

Hi @Hammers211 you're right, geocoding (i.e. retrieving the point geometry from an address typed into a text question) consumes credits when you use the ArcGIS World Geocoding Service. 

There's no way to copy & paste the text to or from the search bar in the map window. 

Just to clarify, are users entering an address into a text question in the form, that you would then like to paste in the search in the map window? Or the other way around?

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