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constraint_message and calculated values

02-26-2021 06:44 AM
New Contributor


I have a calculated value "secretnumberx2" that is successfully used as a constraint ".>=0 and .<=${secretnumberx2}".

But using this as the constraint_message fails "Please input a number between 0 and ${secretnumberx2}"

It displays "Please input a number between 0 and /MattsTest2/secretnumberx2"

Any advice please (new to this)?

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1 Reply
Esri Regular Contributor

Hi Matthew,

Currently we only support variable replacement in labels and hint messages. We do have an internal enhancement request logged to support the variable replacement in constraint message. 

I encourage you to contact Esri Support. Our Support team will assign an official enhancement number for your records. Similar requests from other customers can then be attached to the same enhancement request, which helps us assess demand for the enhancement and prioritize it accordingly.

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