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Combining two feature layers for Survey 123

10-18-2017 12:08 PM
Occasional Contributor


I was wondering if anyone has had any experience in combining two feature layers for Survey 123. For our client, we did condition assessments on their assets using Survey 123 with the form hosted on our organizational account. They have now taken the form and are hosting it on their organizational account for all future condition assessments (a few fields have been added to their form as well as choices in the choice lists). They want to combine the data we collected on our feature layer to theirs, so that all the data is stored in one place. Does anyone know if this is possible?
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Just a quick (ha!) update for everyone...

After a conversation with our awesome support rep Morgan, I’m understanding more about how all this fits together and what's actually happening (or not happening) in the Append process we’re using to try to migrate our survey data to its updated/republished form schema…

Y'all bear with my pedantic approach to explaining this... I'm usually just the Excel data geek who makes the Survey123 forms look pretty and do what the users want them to do, so I'm still a newbie at this side of ArcGIS.  :-]

surveyPoint table view in ArcGIS Pro

Each of our surveyPoint records has a GlobalID that is then related to each of its attachments in the photo_attachments_repeat table….

photo_attachments_repeat table view in ArcGIS Pro

…each of which has its own GlobalID, and ties back to the surveyPoint with the referenced ParentGlobalID.
And this relationship is passed on via the REL_GLOBALID to the actual photo attachment files in the photo_attachments_repeat_ATTACH table…

photo_attachments_repeat_ATTACH table view in ArcGIS Pro

So it looks like the steps in the workaround for that first enhancement ENH-000113718 (Allow Workflow or ability for Survey123 to load, or append all records from a previous survey that included Repeats, i.e relationships in the Hosted Feature Layer) is probably unnecessary for us—each of our records already has a GlobalID, ParentGlobalID, and a REL_GLOBALID to tie all the pieces together.

And our GlobalIDs for the "photo_attachments_repeat" table is obviously making it through the Append process intact because the resulting HFL shows the same number of “placeholders” for the photos as there are photo attachments in the originally collected survey data.

The problem seems like it might be with preserving our "REL_GLOBALID" where the relationship between the "photo_attachments_repeat" and the "photo_attachments_repeat_ATTACH" tables is just not being maintained through the Append process.  Which might be where ENH-000113717 (Add ability or workflow that would allow Append operations to preserve Global ID for hosted feature layers with relationships) comes in.  And it sounds like this enhancement is in the product plan, so we may just hold off on making the more detrimental schema adjustments to our form for now.

Shana Gail - Shana, thanks for the update!  We've actually been looking into purchasing a license for FME Desktop for ESRI to work with our engineers on another project we have going on with pump stations, so this could very well be our next step.  I might reach out to you for some feedback once we have it installed and we've familiarized ourselves with the interface.

Gary Bowles‌ - Gary, thanks for the attachment and the info!  I'm not fluent in Python (see also: basically clueless), but I'm sure I'll have to dive in and start a self-taught crash course soon if the enhancement request for preserving the GlobalIDs for relationships doesn't pan out.

Again, apologies for the stream of consciousness dissertation and if I'm over-explaining things; I tend to ramble when I'm over-caffeinated, and I'm kinda using this thread as my lab notes to jog my brain as I go through the troubleshooting and testing processes. 

And if my notes can help someone else or paints a clearer picture to the Development team of the problem -- yay!