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Capabilities of Survey 123 with complex Relates

11-20-2019 04:30 AM
Emerging Contributor

Survey 123 question for you guys. I'm still exploring Collector and Survey 123 software platforms and I have run into the issue of Collector and its 3 relationships deep limitation. Now from my understanding, I can have a spatial aspect in survey 123 however I cant seem to find documentation on if I can have a relate to another spatial table in that software. Essentially I have a sign (spatial) and that sign can have multiple foundations (spatial) and each foundation can have multiple poles holding up the sign ( non-spatial) and the foundations and poles will need to have an inspection performed. This structure prevents me from using Collector. So would I be able to build out this structure in Survey 123 Assuming that I can load the pre-existing sign and foundation data into the blank schema? A rough diagram below #

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MVP Esteemed Contributor

The way to do it is to use both.  You have all the preexisting data in Collector.  Then launch 123 passing the key over.  

See this post for more info 

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